
Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Post the award's logo on your blog.
3. Answer the ten questions you've been asked.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers.
5. Set 10 new questions for your nominees.

I was nominated by Anna @EnchantedByYA. Thanks again ❤️

Anna's questions:
1) What inspired you to start blogging?
Honestly? I don't know anymore :D I think I did get back into reading through discovering booktube, then discovered Goodreads and then Anna and I chatted and through that I decided to start my own blog (:

2) Are your family avid readers?
Yes. My whole family reads since I can think and in our living room is a gigantic bookshelf with probably over 900 books just from my parents o:

3) How many books do you average read in a month?
Average? Between 4 and 6..

4) Where do you read?
Mostly in my room, sometimes in the living room or on vacation.

5) What do you do if you fall into a reading slump?
First I watch some tv shows and then I read scenes I lobed from books I already read.

6) What genre do you want to read more from?
Contemporary and fantasy.

7) Do you review every book you read?
I try to but sometimes I don't.

8) How do you rate books?
I think in a very unique way :D Because I let my stomach make the decission and the way I feel.

9) What is your favourite quote from a book?
I have many but one I really really love, and I even have hung up in my room, is from Simon in City of Glass. It says "People are not bad or good. Maybe they are born with tendencies either way but it's the way you live your life that matters. And the people you know."

10) What was the last book you gave 5 🌟 to?
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. (review here)

My questions:
1) When and why did you start your blog?
2) How often do you write posts?
3) How many books do you own in total?
4) Have you ever been in a reading slump? And how do you got out of it?
5) If you could only own 10 books which were these?
6) What do you do if you don't know how to explain your feeling about a book?
7) Is there any possibility you would stop blogging and why?
8) Did you became friends with people over blogging?
9) Which books do you really want to read in 2015?
10) Any reading goals this year?

I nominate:
Amelia @YABokologists
Summer @MissFictional
Jillian @JilliansBooks
Christine @OhChrys

xo Anne


  1. I read the most while on vacation, I have so much free time! Thanks for the nomination, I have already done this award, but I'll answer your questions in a post later this week :)

    1. Oh I didn't know o:
      And you're welcome ❤️

  2. Anonymous1/03/2015

    Ah thanks for the nomination, Anne!! You're so lucky your family reads! My family barely even reads, and it takes a lot of persuading to do to get them to either read or get me a book to read. haha. Love your answers! And your blog is so adorable! I LOVE THE PONY :> :>

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books


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